Bylaws are the rules and regulations that provide a framework for our operation and management. You can download them here
Meeting Procedures & Standing Rules
Meeting Procedures and Standing Rules defines CPAC’s meeting decorum for CPAC’s monthly, special, and committee meetings. You can download them here.
Minutes are the records kept of each meeting. They are not verbatim transcripts of the meeting but instead note attendance at meetings, provide highlights of speaker presentations, describe issues under consideration by CPAC, and track all votes and decisions made by CPAC members present at the meeting. Past minutes can be found here.
Position Papers
CPAC votes on positions on a variety to educational topics of importance to our members. We annually approve our Lobby Day Position paper which accompanies our parent leaders when they visit our elected officials in Albany. Many of our position papers focus on specific topics and outline our rationale for change and suggestions for improvement. We also write letters to the Chancellor, senior members of the Chancellor’s team, and elected officials regarding concerns expressed by the CPAC membership. You can see passed letters and resolutions here.
Best Practices
Documents designed to help parent leaders run their PAs and PTAs more effectively and better participate in school governance. They are living documents that can be updated and modified at any time. CPAC Guides and Presentations