Family Newsletter: Message from Commissioner Betty A. Rosa

    April 4, 2022  

Dear Parents and Families,  

At its March 2022 meeting, the Board of Regents unanimously re-elected Dr. Lester W. Young, Jr. and Josephine Victoria Finn to the posts of Chancellor and Vice Chancellor, respectively. I have had the privilege of working with each of these accomplished leaders for many years, and there is no one better suited for these roles. I look forward to our continued partnership with Chancellor Young and Vice Chancellor Finn as we work to advance equity in education and support our schools, libraries, and licensed professionals.   

Regents Susan W. Mittler and Ruth B. Turner were also recently re-elected to the Board of Regents. In addition, we welcome Regent Shino Tanikawa of Manhattan, who was elected to the Board of Regents by the New York State Legislature.  

We are honored and excited to work with these esteemed colleagues and the entire Board of Regents to empower all young people to succeed and to create welcoming schools for all students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, housing status, sexual orientation, immigration status, ability to speak English, or disability status. Find more information about the appointments to the Board of Regents here.  

Also at the March 2022 Board of Regents meeting, the New York State Education Department proposed regulations regarding the statutory requirement for substantial equivalency of instruction for students attending nonpublic schools to ensure that all students receive the education to which they are entitled under the law. The Board of Regents discussed the proposed regulations at its March 2022 meetingThe presentation from the Board discussion is available here.  

The proposed rulemaking was published in the State Register on March 30, 2022, and the public comment period will run through May 31, 2022. It is expected the final regulation will come before the Board of Regents for its consideration in fall 2022.  

Spring is upon us, and April is designated as the Month of the Military Child or Purple Up! For Military Kids. Across the nation, states and school districts will celebrate the important role of military families through special events and by wearing the color purple. Learn more and get ideas for celebrating on our Month of the Military Child web page.  

Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many challenges, and supporting the mental health and well-being of students is a fundamental role of schools that is more important now than ever. Important guidance and resources are available to help schools develop vital policies to identify students in mental health crisis, intervene effectively, and prevent suicide risks for students.  

Pediatric mental health experts, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, recently declared pandemic-related decline in child and adolescent mental health a national emergency. The Guide for Suicide Prevention for School Personnel provides tools to help administrators, teachers, and school staff identify and react to students’ anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.  

In addition, New York Project Hope is available to all New York State residents in need of mental or emotional support. You can learn more about the program and access resources on the New York Project Hope website.   Thank you for your continued support of education in New York State.  

Betty A. Rosa