Public Meeting Notice & Agenda
The regular public meeting of the Panel for Educational Policy will take place on
Thursday, June 23, 2022, at 6:00PM. This meeting will not be held in-person, but will
instead, be held via teleconference. Additional details regarding how the public may join this
meeting are published below the agenda.
In accordance with City Council legislation, Panel meetings will now be livestreamed over the Internet. To access this service, please register here. Registration will
remain open until the meeting’s adjournment. A recording and transcript will be posted to
the Panel website following the meeting.
Please be aware that if you choose to attend this meeting, your image or voice, or the
image or voice of your child, may appear in the live-stream footage, or in the recording that
will be posted to the Panel website.
Regular Public Meeting
A. Chancellor’s Update
B. Proposals to Significant Changes in School Utilization (see here)
C. Approval of Contracts (see here)
The Panel will vote on the attached list of contracts. Public comment on
contracts being considered by the Panel will take place before the Panel votes.
D. Annual Estimated Budget (see here)
The Panel will vote on the Annual Estimated Budget. Public comment
on the Annual Estimated Budget will take place before the Panel votes.
E. General Public Comment
Accessing the Meeting and Signing Up For Public Comment
This meeting will be held via teleconference and will begin promptly at 6:00 PM.
If you would like to access this meeting via computer, please visit:
If you would like to access this meeting via phone, call 929-205-6099 (Toll Free) and enter
meeting ID number PIN 853-6797-4221#
Speaker sign-up will run from 5:30PM until 6:15 PM on June 23, 2022. Speakers may only sign
themselves up for public comment, and only those who signed up will be permitted to speak
during the appropriate public comment period(s). Each speaker will be allowed two and a half
minutes to speak during the public comment period(s) for which they signed up or two minutes
for the general public comment period.
দ োভোষী পরিষষবোসমূহ
এই মিটিংয়ের জন্য যমি আপমন্ দিোভোষী পমরয়ষবো দপয়ে চোন্, েয়ব অন্ুগ্রহ কয়র মন্য়নোক্ত একট ভোষো সহোেেোর লোইয়ন্ দ োন্ করুন্:
স্প্যোরিশ: 888-475-4499 ন্ম্বয়র (দ োল মি) দ োন্ করুন্ এবিং 735-255-0102# মপন্ (PIN) ন্ম্বরট মিন্
মযোন্ডোরিি: 888-475-4499 ন্ম্বয়র (দ োল মি) দ োন্ করুন্ এবিং 933-059-6663# মপন্ (PIN) ন্ম্বরট মিন্
বোাংলো: 877-853-5257 ন্ম্বয়র (দ োল মি) দ োন্ করুন্ এবিং 565-808-2412# মপন্ (PIN) ন্ম্বরট মিন্
Servicios de interpretación
Si desea servicios de interpretación para esta reunión, llame a una de las siguientes líneas de
Para español, marque 888-475-4499 (línea gratuita) e ingrese el PIN 735-255-0102#
Para mandarín, marque 888-475-4499 (línea gratuita) e ingrese el PIN 933-059-6663#
Para bengalí, marque 877-853-5257 (línea gratuita) e ingrese el PIN 565-808-2412