Happy International Women’s Day 2023 from PIST
Contents: March 18 event; Long live Judy Heumann; 3 new resources
A- Friends of PIST are hosting us for an afternoon event on Saturday March 18 in Manhattan.
Invitation is below. Your RSVP will help us plan the setup.
Details including transit tips are at https://www.pistnyc.org/events/march-18-celebration
Please join Parents to Improve School Transportation PIST NYC
& LEAPS at Penn South
for a Women’s History Month & Disability Awareness/Acceptance Month
Tribute to Fighters for Transit Equity On Saturday, March 18, 2023 At 339 West 24th Street, Manhattan [Penn South Community Room 2B – Wheelchair accessible] From 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. |
Program will include:
Storyteller Thelma Thomas, Pearls of Wisdom
on Rosa Parks and some lesser known women in history
Short film “School Bus Bill of Rights”
+ updates from PIST youth and caregivers on the fight for equitable access to school bus service (or free Metrocards) for students of any ability or housing status.
Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation
To busy mothers & others who add their energy and skills to this fight!
MASKS are required by the venue → Refreshments will be given “to go”
Volunteers needed for setup, food prep, and cleanup
Childcare provided nearby if requested by deadline: Tuesday March 14
RSVP: pistnyc@gmail.com
B- We join the Disability Rights movement in showing our respects to late activist and organizer Judith Heumann, who passed away just days ago. Read statement from her family at https://judithheumann.com/the-world-mourns-the-passing-of-judy-heumann-disability-rights-activist/
C- Recent resources that only some of you have received:
1. What if the school bus does not show up? (English) – information we have gathered about Transportation Reimbursement & Prepaid Rideshare
2. School Transportation from Temporary Housing (English & Spanish)
3. Full video of our Feb. 4 2023 Transit Equity Day Community Panel in the Bronx is at our youtube channel https://youtu.be/uSnXLM6Bhu8
Parents to Improve School Transportation / Padres para Mejorar el Transporte Escolar (PIST)
pistnyc@gmail.com 631.743.6296 Hablamos español
DONATE at https://gofund.me/CEEEAD76 or CashApp $pistnyc