Multilingual Monthly: April 2023

Multilingual Monthly: April 2023

In this Issue

Upcoming Live Events for NYC Public School Staff

Literacy for Life: Building Strong Practices for Teachers of ELLs

Summer Rising 2023 for MLs/ELLs

Summer Intensive English Language Program for Multilingual Learners

Opportunity for Schools to Apply for the 2023–24 Dream Squad Initiative

Opportunity to Apply for the Cultivating Understanding and Partnership (CUP): Strengthening ML/ELL Family Engagement Program

Extended Deadline for the 2023 School Survey

Resources to Support with NYSESLAT Administration

In Case You Missed it

Bookmark our Resource Sites!

Access Classroom Lessons on TeachHub

Upcoming Live Events for NYC Public School Staff

Review our events below or explore our SharePoint calendar!




Literacy for Life: Building Strong Practices for Teachers of ELLs

The Division of Multilingual Learners is excited to announce our Literacy for Life: Building Strong Practices for Teachers of ELLs reading conference on Thursday, May 25, 2023. This conference will uplift strong literacy instruction that can keep in pace with the increasing demands and changing role of literacy in today’s society through a number of keynote presentations and workshops. We will be joined by nationally recognized experts in the field of ELL education and our own NYC DOE colleagues who will engage teachers and administrators in dialogue, data-diving, and reflection. We invite you to learn with us, share your ideas and invigorate your practices!

What Next?

  • Save the Date! Check out the Save the Date flyer and place a hold for Thursday, May 25, 2023 from 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. on your calendar.
  • Spread the word. Be sure to share the flyer with your NYC DOE colleagues.
  • The registration and location information will be posted next week on our Multilingual Learners SharePoint and in the next edition of Multilingual Monthly.

Summer Rising 2023 for MLs/ELLs

This summer, MLs/ELLs in grades K-8 participating in NYC Public Schools Summer Rising will engage in culturally responsive, and student-centered academic opportunities in the morning and participate in afternoon enrichment sessions facilitated by trusted community-based organizations. Additionally, MLs/ELLs will receive instruction targeting language and literacy development and access to grade-level content through an integrated English as a New Language (ENL) co-teaching and/or standalone ENL instructional model over the summer. This may also include small-group instruction or one-to-one support for MLs/ELLs. 

Enrollment for students in grades K–8 Summer Rising 2023 will be open to families from now until May 1. Any student who is currently in grades K–8 is eligible to enroll.

For MLs/ELLs in high school, Summer 2023 will be an opportunity for multilingual learners and immigrant students to deepen their content and language learning, engage with their peers, and explore their interests through enrichment activities and college and career exploration.

Students and families can learn more about Summer 2023 on the NYC Public Schools website. School and district staff can learn more on the Summer 2023 InfoHub page. Additional information about the expectations for MLs/ELLs attending Summer 2023 will be included in the next edition of Multilingual Monthly.

Summer Intensive English Language Program for Multilingual Learners

The Division of Multilingual Learners, in partnership with Hostos Community College, is providing MLs/ELLs currently in grades 10 and 11 with the opportunity to strengthen their writing and critical thinking skills this summer through a Summer Intensive English Language Program (SIELP). You and your staff should identify eligible MLs/ELLs and support them in completing this interest form and uploading their current transcript by April 28. Students who complete the form will receive a receipt of the submission; they will also receive notification to finalize their application and participate in a required placement activity, which will determine eligibility and acceptance into the program. Note that the one-hour placement activity must be proctored by an educator at your school. 

Additionally, note that the SIELP prioritizes MLs/ELLs who otherwise would not be eligible for credit-bearing CUNY College Now experiences and is best suited for MLs/ELLs whose proficiency level ranges from emerging to expanding. For more information on identifying and supporting eligible students, as well as for information about the placement activity, review this SIELP FAQ

Opportunity for Schools to Apply for the 2023–24 Dream Squad Initiative

The Division of Multilingual Learners invites middle and high schools with large populations of immigrants and multilingual learners to join Dream Squads, an optional year-long initiative comprised of a professional learning community, ongoing coaching, school-based workshops, and funding support to build a welcoming school environment for immigrant students and families. To participate in Dream Squad, schools must form a team of three or more diverse educators to serve on their team. All participants must engage in a six-part professional learning series to design, implement, and sustain a welcoming school plan. Sessions will be a mix of virtual and in-person meetings, with virtual sessions from 2:00–3:30 p.m. and in-person from 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. from August 22–October 25. Please note that schools accepted to the Dream Squad program must: 

  • Ensure the participation of a minimum of three people who can commit to all sessions   
  • Commit to creating a school plan for supporting immigrant students and their families.     

Please review the Dream Squad Overview for the full schedule and expectations. To express your school’s interest in participating, complete this application by May 5. As a reminder, the DOE does not ask about or track student immigration status.

Note that selected schools will be provided per session to complete responsibilities. Also note that this program is contingent on funding availability; the program calendar is also subject to budget approval and availability. 

Opportunity to Apply for the Cultivating Understanding and Partnership (CUP): Strengthening ML/ELL Family Engagement Program

The DOE has allocated funding for schools across the city serving grades K–12 with a reported percentage of English language learners (ELLs) who speak low-incidence languages (languages other than English, Spanish, or Chinese) through the Cultivating Understanding and Partnership (CUP): Strengthening ML/ELL Family Engagement program (formally known as the Family Leadership and Digital Literacy for Multilingual Learners/English Language Learners School Allocation Memorandum). Your school is invited to apply for this funding for the 2023–24 school year (SY) using the instructions below. 

Additionally, note that the following schools will receive funding priority:    

  • Schools that have large percentages (greater than or equal to 10 percent) of immigrant and multilingual or ELL students and families that speak low incidence languages; and   
  • Schools that received funding and fulfilled the program requirements for the 2021–22 SY and/or 2022–23 SY.  

Extended Deadline for the 2023 School Survey

The deadline for New York City public school families, teachers, students, and select staff members to access and complete the 2023 NYC School Survey has been extended to April 20! Please take a moment to complete the survey and let us know what you think about City public schools.

Every year, NYC Public Schools asks all families, teachers, and staff in grades 3-K through 12, and students in grades 6-12 to take the NYC School Survey. All respondents can access the survey by visiting this webpage. Your school’s survey coordinator should distribute the surveys and access codes to families, students, support staff, and teachers and encourage them to complete the survey. Families can also access the survey by logging into their NYC Schools Account (NYCSA). For additional information and resources on survey administration, see the NYC School Survey InfoHub page.   For questions, email  

Resources to Support with NYSESLAT Administration

As in prior years, the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) is administered to all English Language Learners (ELLs) to measure progress in English language acquisition and to determine continued eligibility for ELL services for the following school year. This year, the NYSESLAT will be administered between April 17 and May 26.

Please refer to the NYSESLAT InfoHub for more information on administration, best practices and training materials. For questions about NYSESLAT trainings, or for support with designing an administration schedule that does not interrupt mandated services, contact your ML/ELL director. For all other questions, (e.g., printing, scanning, or returning materials) contact your borough assessment implementation director (BAID).  

In Case You Missed it

Bookmark our Resource Sites!

SharePoint site

ML SharePoint site screenshot

How to Access it: You can find our SharePoint by clicking this link, or by navigating to the SharePoint application in your browser and searching for Multilingual Learners. You can also sign up for email alerts. Visit this SharePoint page to learn how!

You can find relevant resources to support newly arrived multilingual learners/English language learners (MLs/ELLs) and immigrant students, including newcomer ELLs, on this page on the Multilingual Learners SharePoint. You can also share these resources using this InfoHub document. You are invited to bookmark the page and refer to it periodically to access newly added resources and opportunities.


ML InfoHub screenshot

How to Access it: You can find our main Multilingual Learners page by signing into the Employee InfoHub, then searching for “Multilingual Learners.”

Instructional Resources and Professional Learning Google Site

DML Instructional Site screenshot

How to Access it: Find the link on our main Multilingual Learners page or bookmark it.

Multilingual and Immigrant Student Support Site

How to Access it: Find the link on our main Multilingual Learners page or bookmark it.

Access Classroom Lessons on TeachHub

  • Standalone English as a New Language (ENL): In TeachHub, select the “ENL Standalone” tile under “Educator Resources” on the K-12, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, or DOE Created tabs. Add this tile to the favorites section of your TeachHub home page by clicking on the heart.
    • PDF versions of all Middle School and High School units are available for your convenience to display or print.  Find them on TeachHub!
  • World Languages: In TeachHub, select the Middle or High School Google Drive, then the Spanish folder. For guidance on these lessons, please see the Introduction to Lesson Sequences for World Language Teachers and NYC World Languages video library.
  • Home Language Arts/Spanish Grades K-5: In TeachHub, select the Elementary Google Drive, the grade, and then HLA. Twenty new lessons have been added for Unit 1.

View instructional videos to support multilingual learners and English language learners across content areas. Teacher- and student-facing videos are available to bring classroom lessons to life. 


Do you have questions about supporting MLs/ELLs? Reach out to your ML/ELL Policy Point on the EduDirectory.