NYC Votes – Registration Deadline and Upcoming Early Voting Events!

New York City Voters —

 The deadline to register to vote before the June 27 primary election is this Saturday, June 17. Register to vote!

Any updates? If you’re already registered, make sure your voter registration is up to date with your correct information. You can submit a new voter registration form if you need to make an update. Check your voter registration.

Early voting is here. June 17 is also the first day of early voting. Your early voting poll site may be different from your Election Day poll site, so check before you go! Learn more about early voting.

Meet the candidates. Check out NYC’s official Voter Guide to see the candidates for City Council on your ballot. You can view candidate videos, compare candidates’ policy positions, and plan your ballot before you head to the polls. See the Voter Guide

Register to vote

Get ready to vote, 

NYC Votes

P.S. Join us online today at 5pm as we team up with the New York Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, and Queens Public Library to share info about the June 27 primary, including your voting rights, important dates, and offices on the ballot! RSVP here.


Voter —

On June 27, City Council and other offices are on the ballot in the New York City Primary Election! Here is some key information and resources available:

 Check Your Registration Status and Register to Vote

 he Voter Registration Deadline is Saturday, June 17th. You can register to vote: 

  1. In person at the Board of Elections Office 
  2. Online 
  3. By Mail 
  4. Pre-registration for 16-17 year olds

You can update your information such as name and address by submitting a new voter registration form. Check what’s on your ballot to see elections in your district.

Primary Push Early Voting Events 

 We invite you to join us for our inaugural “Primary Push” early voting events. We’re kicking this off with a Voter Registration Drive on Thursday June 15th from 3PM-7PM at Union Square Park.

NYC Votes and our partners will also host events near early voting sites to encourage voters in Brooklyn, The Bronx and Queens to vote early. These events will take place during the first week of early voting on June 17th and June 22nd and the last weekend of early voting on June 24th and 25th. All volunteers will receive a water bottle or t-shirt as a thank you. 

RSVP for Primary Push Events!

Request Voter Educational Material

 NYC Votes printed materials including the voter guides, palm cards and ranked choice voting fact sheets are available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (traditional and simplified), French, Creole, Hindi, Korean, Polish, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish and Urdu. If you are interested in picking up educational material or requesting a PDF copy, please contact

You can learn more about the upcoming primary election, including the offices on the ballot, Ranked Choice Voting, and voting by mail at


 Ting and NYC Votes Team