3-K Waitlists Close September 22!

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Dear Families,

We hope your child is excited for the start of the school year!

3-K waitlists will close on Friday, September 22. This is the last date your child can be made a waitlist offer. If you would like to accept an offer after September 22, please contact the school directly.

As a reminder, you can view your waitlist status and offers on your MySchools account, by clicking on the “View Results and Waitlists” button , and clicking on “View Waitlists.” Here, you will see any offer under “Offers.” You will be notified via email if you receive a waitlist offer.

If your child does not have a 3-K seat after waitlists close, you can contact programs directly to see if they have seats available. You can see which programs may have available seats on the 3-K Directory and using the “May Have Seats Available” filter. and not all children will be made offers.

To learn more about waitlists, visit schools.nyc.gov/waitlists; additional information about 3-K is also available at nyc.gov/3K. You can begin to get ready for Pre-K for next school year by signing up for updates

You can begin to get ready for pre-K for next school year by signing up for updates here!

Best wishes,
Elementary School Admissions Team
Office of Student Enrollment