Ranking Kindergarten Programs

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Dear family,

The deadline to submit your kindergarten application (January 19) is quickly approaching! You can list up to 12 programs of interest on your child’s application on  MySchools.nyc Keep reading for some tips on applying.

As you’re building your child’s application, the best strategy is to rank programs in your true preference order. This means listing your first choice first, second choice second and so on. Even if your child has a lower admissions priority to a particular program, we still advise you to rank choices in your true order of preference. The Office of Student Enrollment tries our best to make families an offer to their highest choice when possible–last year 82% of applicants received an offer to their first choice!

This is also important if you prefer for your child to attend a Gifted & Talented (G&T) program. If you rank a non-G&T program higher on the application than a G&T program, we assume you are more interested in that non-G&T program and will try to make you an offer there first. Here are the four program types a school can offer:

  • Kindergarten– All schools offer a standard kindergarten program, serving all learners.
  • Kindergarten (Citywide or District) Gifted & Talented– Programs that offer accelerated instruction to eligible students.
  • Kindergarten Dual Language– Students are taught in two languages (English and a target language).
  • District 24 Kindergarten STEM– Located in District 24 in Queens, students learn to think and act as scientists and engineers who identify and explore real-world challenges.

If you already submitted your application, you can make edits any time before the January 19 deadline. To do so, just click the button that says “Submitted” next to your child’s name to open the application. Make sure to follow all of the steps until you see the confetti! You will also get a new receipt.

Questions? Call us at 718-935-2009 or email ESEnrollment@schools.nyc.gov.

Best wishes,

The Elementary Admissions Team

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Thank you, 

Elementary School Admissions Team