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We’re having a free webinar Thursday February 15th, 10 am “NYC Public Schools: Innovative Programming- Specialized & SEED (Sensory Education Exploration & Discovery) Overview-Part 2.” The flyer is attached. As always, it would be appreciated if you would share the information below.
ADAPT Community Network is offering a free workshop “NY Public Schools: Innovative Programming- Specialized & SEED (Sensory Education Exploration & Discovery) Overview-Part 2” on Thursday, February 15th 10 am – 11:30 am. Speakers from the New York City Department of Education will be discussing the SEED, ACES (Academic, Career, Essential Skills), Bilingual Special Education and Path specialized programs that support students with IEPS. The flyer is attached. Spanish and Mandarin interpretation will be provided. Registration is required. To register click on https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0TgrCAIeTO2h9Jmc71AkGQ
If you have problems opening the link, please email familyconnect@adaptcommunitynetwork.org or call (718) 436-7979 Ext. 704 and we will assist you.
Best Regards,
Sandi Napor
Family Resource Specialist-Family Connect
160 Lawrence Avenue |Room 205|Brooklyn, NY 11230
Office: 718-436-7979 ext. 704
Fax: 718-436-0071

The mission of ADAPT Community Network is empowering
people through innovative solutions, one person at a time.