Multilingual Monthly: April 2024

Multilingual Monthly: April 2024

In this Issue

Upcoming Live Events for NYC Public School Staff

Accelerating Learning for Heritage Speakers: From Theory to Practice

Upcoming Lighthouse Collaborative Visits

Resources to Support You with Teaching and Learning for Your Newly Arrived MLs/ELLs

Bookmark our Resource Sites!

Access Classroom Lessons on TeachHub

Upcoming Live Events for NYC Public School Staff

Review our events below or explore our SharePoint calendar!


Multiple dates: Supporting Southeast Asian Students and Families with MeKong (registration form)

April 18: Barriers Facing Refugee Communities in New York City and Southeast Asian Student Perspectives

May 16: Resources for Bridging the Gap for Southeast Asian Students and Families

April 23: Self Defense and Upstander trainings with Malikah: Bystander Intervention: Know Your Rights (registration form)

May 8: Community Chat Series: Using Digital Tools to Improve Communication With Families (registration form)


May 8: Unpacking the Grades 9/10 Moving Stories Unit: “The Words We Use” (registration form)

Multiple dates, starting May 8:Planning for a Heritage Speakers World Language Course (registration form)

Accelerating Learning for Heritage Speakers: From Theory to Practice

The Division of Multilingual Learners invites interested schools to attend the professional learning series Accelerating Learning for Heritage Speakers: From Theory to Practice on May 8, May 15, May 29, and June 5 from 2–4PM. This opportunity is designed for schools that plan to open a Heritage World Language course.

Schools should register at least one teacher and school leader to attend the four sessions together. Participants will receive expert coaching from Nancy Domínguez-Fret, PhD in June as they plan to open a robust and sustainable Spanish for Heritage Speakers in Fall 2024. Learn more at Spanish for Heritage Speakers At-A-Glance. Contact with questions.

Upcoming Lighthouse Collaborative Visits

Led by the Division of Educator Development, the Lighthouse Collaborative is a cross-district instructional improvement initiative designed to help share strategies that support the Chancellor’s second pillar to scale, sustain, and restore what works across schools. For schools welcoming migrant and asylum-seeking students who are multilingual learners, this is an opportunity for NYCPS educators to learn about promising practices to support teaching and learning for multilingual learners through select visits (see school visits with “Supporting Multilingual Learners” in the Instructional Focus Area). Review all upcoming visits by instructional focus area and grade level. For questions, email

Resources to Support You with Teaching and Learning for Your Newly Arrived MLs/ELLs

You can find relevant resources to support newly arrived MLs/ELLs and immigrant students, including newcomer ELLs, on this page on the Multilingual Learners SharePoint. You can also share these resources using this InfoHub document. You are invited to bookmark the page and refer to it periodically to access newly added resources and opportunities. If you have a question about ELL policy, email your ML/ELL Director. If you have questions about ELL instruction, email your ML/ELL Service Administrator.

Bookmark our Resource Sites!

SharePoint site

How to Access it: You can find our SharePoint by clicking this link, or by navigating to the SharePoint application in your browser and searching for Multilingual Learners. You can also sign up for email alerts. Visit this SharePoint page to learn how!


How to Access it: You can find our main Multilingual Learners page by signing into the Employee InfoHub, then searching for “Multilingual Learners.”

Instructional Resources and Professional Learning Google Site

How to Access it: Find the link on our main Multilingual Learners page or bookmark it.

Multilingual and Immigrant Student Support Site

How to Access it: Find the link on our main Multilingual Learners page or bookmark it.

Access Classroom Lessons on TeachHub

Standalone English as a New Language (ENL): In TeachHub, select the “ENL Standalone” tile under “Educator Resources” on the K-12, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, or DOE Created tabs. Add this tile to the favorites section of your TeachHub home page by clicking on the heart.

World Languages: In TeachHub, select the Middle or High School Google Drive, then the Spanish folder. For guidance on these lessons, please see the Introduction to Lesson Sequences for World Language Teachers and NYC World Languages video library.

Home Language Arts/Spanish Grades K-5: In TeachHub, select the Elementary Google Drive, the grade, and then HLA.

View instructional videos to support multilingual learners and English language learners across content areas. Teacher- and student-facing videos are available to bring classroom lessons to life. 


Do you have questions about supporting MLs/ELLs? Reach out to your ML/ELL Points on the EduDirectory.

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