Committee on Children and Youth Services Fiscal 2025 Executive Budget Hearing

Good Afternoon,

This is a reminder that the Fiscal 2025 Executive hearing for the Committee on Children and Youth Services will take place on Friday, May 10, 2024.  ACS will begin at 9:30 AM, DYCD at 12:00 PM and Public Testimony at 2:30 PM.  Please follow the instructions below if you wish to testify and/or provide written testimony.


Sandra Gray

Financial Analyst

Finance Division – New York City Council

212-482-2979 (O)





NEW YORK, NY 10007-2594

April 29, 2024

Good afternoon.

Please be advised that the New York City Council Committee on Children and Youth will hold a hearing on May 10, 2024 at 9:30am in the Council Chambers, City Hall, New York, NY, and via Zoom web-conference, on the Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and the Executive Capital Plan for Fiscal Years 2024-2028.

The hearing is posted online here: The New York City Council- Meeting of Committee on Children and Youth on 5/10/2024 at 9:30am

You are hereby invited to attend and testify, either in-person at City Hall Council Chambers or via Zoom videoconferencing.

If you are planning to testify in-person or via Zoom, please register in advance of the hearing at  As registrations are on an individual basis, each person intending to provide testimony will need to submit a separate registration (i.e. not as a group).

If you plan to testify in person, it would be greatly appreciated if you could bring twenty (20) double-sided copies of your written testimony to the hearing;

Due to anticipated turnout, we ask you please RSVP as early as possible.  Please be advised that all who wish to testify in person must fill out a witness slip with the Sergeant-At-Arms upon arrival in the hearing room on the day of the hearing.

Written testimony may be submitted without registration by emailing it to or via the Council’s website at up to seventy-two (72) hours after the close of the hearing.

The entrance to the hearing and restrooms at City Hall are fully accessible.  All questions regarding accessibility or to request additional accommodations, please contact Nicole Benjamin ( or 212-482-5176) at least seventy-two (72) hours before the hearing.

All other questions about the hearing should be directed to Vanessa Díaz-López at

Thank you.

Vanessa Díaz-López, LMSW |Finance Operations Manager

Finance Division, New York City Council