Hi there,
Please be advised that the New York City Council Committee on Education and the Committee on Contracts will hold a hearing on Monday, September 30th at 10:00 AM in Council Chambers at City Hall, New York, New York 10007 and via Zoom web conference, on the following topic:
Oversight – Upgrading School Transportation Services & Rebidding Contracts
Additionally, the Committees will hear the following legislation:
Int. No. 515 (Brannan), a Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring the department of education to report on school bus transportation services employees
Res. No. 250 (Riley), resolution calling on the New York State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign, legislation that would require all school buses operating within the state, regardless of seating capacity, to have a stop-arm on each side, and to prohibit any school buses from operating if they do not have functioning stop-arms.
You are hereby invited to attend and testify, either in-person at City Hall, or live via Zoom.
If you plan on testifying in-person or via Zoom, please register in advance of the hearing at https://council.nyc.gov/testify/. Each person who intends to testify live via Zoom should register separately. Note that Zoom links are personalized and should not be shared. Zoom links will be manually sent as the hearing date approaches.
If you plan to testify in-person, it would be appreciated if you could bring twenty (20) copies double-sided of your written testimony to the hearing.
Written testimony may be submitted without registration by emailing it to testimony@council.nyc.gov or via the Council’s website at https://council.nyc.gov/testify/ up to 72 hours after the close of the hearing.
The entrance to the hearing and restrooms at City Hall are fully accessible. For questions about accessibility or to request additional accommodations, please contact Nicole Benjamin (NBenjamin@council.nyc.gov or 212-482-5176) at least 72 hours before the hearing. All other questions about the hearing can be directed to me (NJean-Francois@council.nyc.gov).