PRHYLI Student Application launches today

Dear friends,  

I’m thrilled to announce that the Angelo Del Toro Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PRHYLI) application was officially launched today in Principals Digest (see below). I’m also including a direct link to the PRHYLI application for you to share with your networks. 

Please share this flyer—in English and Spanish—with your eligible grade 10–12 students. Interested students should apply by November 8. 

Additionally, we’re hosting an info session on September 19 for school counselors and educators who would like to learn more about PRHYLI. 

School staff (e.g., school counselors and/or Spanish and Social Studies teachers) may register to attend a 30-minute information session about PR/HYLI at 11:30 a.m. or 3:00 p.m. on September 19. Interested school staff should register using the following links:

We’re excited to introduce our revised PRHYLYI NYC Delegation website—please take a moment to explore it and share!

Best regards,  

Lisa Pineda

Office of Multilingual Learners

Division of Inclusive and Accessible Learning (DIAL) 

DML Webpage for Student, Families and Staff

PRHYLI Website

52 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007 Office : 212-374-5504 

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