ED, Carnegie, Overdeck, Host Family Engagement Webinar – Feb 28th

ED, Carnegie, Overdeck, Host Family Engagement Webinar – Feb 28th

“How Family Engagement Supports Math and Literacy” – February 28th 1:00 PM ET Greetings! I am thrilled to share that Family Engagement Lab will be participating in the US Department of Education’s kick off webinar in their Family Engagement Learning Series. We invite you to register for the first webinar, which focuses on how family engagement …

Two Weeks Left to Apply to 3-K!

العربية /  বাংলা /  中文 /  Français / Kreyòl ayisyen /  한국어 /  Русский / Español / اردو Dear families,  There are two weeks left to apply to 3-K and we’ve just added new 3-K programs for the upcoming school year! You can learn about these new program options today in the MySchools 3-K Directory by clicking More Filters and then selecting “New Programs”. Haven’t applied yet? Submit your child’s application by March 10. All New York City children …

Two Weeks Left to Apply to Pre-K!

العربية /  বাংলা /  中文 /  Français / Kreyòl ayisyen /  한국어 /  Русский / Español / اردو Dear families, There are two weeks left to apply to pre-K and we’ve just added new pre-K programs for the upcoming school year! You can learn about these new program options today in the MySchools Pre-K Directory by clicking More Filters and then selecting “New Programs”. Haven’t applied yet? Submit your child’s application by March 10. All New York City children …

February 24, 2023 Dear Parents and Families, As February’s Black History Month comes to an end, I wanted to make sure you are aware of the educational resources the New York State Education Department (NYSED) has made available through the New York State Museum and the New York State Library.   To further commemorate Black …

Citywide Council on Special Education – Special Calendar Meeting Tuesday, February 28, 2023 6:00 pm

Citywide Council on Special Education Special Calendar Meeting   Election of Officers  Co-Presidents  1st Vice President  Tuesday, February 28, 2023 6:00 p.m.  Via Zoom  Register in advance for this meeting:  https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMod-ChrDIpEtc0GGI-_sq_Ekdp9BFWH3i2 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Rose E. Morgan     Administrative Assistant    Citywide Council on Special Education     28-11 Queens Plaza North …

We Want to Hear from You – 02/22/2023

العربية / বাংলা /  中文 /  Français / Kreyòl ayisyen /  한국어 /  Русский / Español / اردو We Want to Hear from You Dear New Yorkers: One of our pillars at New York City Public Schools is engaging you—our families—to be our true partners in creating world-class schools. We want to hear from you …

Your Voice Matters: Parents United for Change. Justice. Equity. Virtual Rally! (In 1 Hour!)

We’re inviting you to join education advocates from across the city at a virtual rally to inspire and encourage parents to run for leadership positions in the upcoming election cycles. Flyer above. Advance Registration Required https://forms.gle/famWWPZgdf4n7o7v5 Parent Voice is so integral to the success of our children. Your voice is so necessary now! Join us …

2023 Community and Citywide Education Council Application Period Closes February 23, 2023: APPLY NOW! Last Chance!

Dear Council Members and Family Leadership Coordinators, Please share the information below with your communities and at your respective meetings. The deadline to apply to run for a seaton an Education Council is quickly approaching! Submit your application by Thursday, February 23 at 11:59 PM.   Apply for a council seat and make your voice heard, just …