Health Supports in Early Childhood Settings

Health Supports in Early Childhood Settings

لعربية / বাংলা / 中文 / Français / Kreyòl ayisyen / 한국어 / Русский / Español / اردو Dear families, We hope you are doing well! Both 3-K and pre-K applications are now open, and as you explore program options for your child, we invite you to learn more about the range of health supports offered in different early childhood settings. The following is a brief overview of the types of supports …

*UPDATE #2* 2/15 @ 1 PM | NYC Council Hearing Notice — room change

Hi again, Please be advised that the physical location of the hearing below has been changed to Council Chambers at City Hall, New York, NY 10007. Legistar will be updated shortly. Thank you, Chloë Chloë Rivera   (she/her) Senior Policy Analyst, New York City Council Hi there, Please be advised that the hearing below has been updated to include the …

Reminder: FACE Professional Development Tonight

The Opportunity of Conflict Spanish and Chinese below. Dear Council Members, This is a friendly reminder that there is a FACE professional development tonight Monday, February 13. The topic is The Opportunity of Conflict with David Mensah. This training is part two in a two-part series that will support CEC members in …

New Visions Schools Mid-Year Check-in

Greetings Parent Leaders, I hope this email finds you well. Please join Superintendent Cintron’s Mid-Year Check-in with Parent Leaders and Parent Coordinators. This virtual meeting will happen on March 1st at 5:30 PM. Here is the zoom link to join Please share the translated flyer with your PTA board and school community.  This is anotheru opportunity to …

FACE – Re: 2023 is an Education Council Election year! Candidate Forums Update

Dear Council Members and Family Leadership Coordinators, Please share the information below with your communities and at your respective meetings. As you all know the Community and Citywide Education Council (CCEC) Elections applications for the 2023–25 term are open until February 13, 2023.  If parents in your communities are interested inrunning for a seat on a council, please encourage them …