Office of Language Access Vacancies

Office of Language Access Vacancies

Dear Education Councils Members, Presidents’ Council Presidents, Members of CPAC Executive, Family Leadership and Family Support Coordinators,  Please promote and share the open positions below now available with other parent leaders and community members who may be interested or know someone who is interested. Spanish Translator Urdu Translator Translation Project Coordinator Thank you, The FACE Team   …

The State of Our City

Team I’m about to take the stage at Queens Theatre to deliver the 2023 State of the City address and I can’t wait. This speech is a chance to let New Yorkers like you know how we’ve been Got Stuff Done for our city in 2022 and preview the work we’ll be doing in 2023 …

Learn about the impact of gun violence on school communities!

Learn about new research on the impact of gun violence on school communities! You’re invited to a presentation and community discussion about the impact of gun violence on school communities and efforts to mitigate the trauma associated with it. Our guest speaker is Amina Brown, the founder of the Center for Community Turnaround in Washington, …

CM Rita Joseph Education Chair – Community Update – January 23, 2023

Community Update: January 23rd Dear Friend,Over the weekend, we saw yet another senseless mass shooting in our country, with 11 people dead in Monterey Park, California. We deserve to live in a country where every community is safe from gun violence. These mass shootings are so painful and I mourn for those who were violently stolen from us. Unfortunately, until …

CIOB Citywide Newsletter January 2023

Dear CIOB Community Members, We at the NYCDOE Consortium, Internationals, and NYC Outward Bound (CIOB) Citywide High School District are pleased to share with you this first issue of our new CIOB Monthly Newsletter. Our hope is that this newsletter will establish and strengthen connections between members of our extended CIOB community citywide. This newsletter …

FYI – Q420 – SA Co-location Proposal WITHDRAWN

Dear CEC 29, CCHS, and QHSPC: I hope this finds you all well. Based on feedback from the impacted communities, the proposal to open and co-locate a new Success Academy elementary school in building Q420 has been withdrawn by the NYCDOE. Please share the attached letter with your councils. When you can, please also confirm receipt …

Next Free Parent Workshop from NYPCC – Suicide Prevention in February

Good afternoon, I hope everyone’s holiday was relaxing and enjoyable. NYPCC is beginning its year with our next Free Parent Workshop on Suicide Prevention.  During this webinar, parents and caregivers will gain information to better understand the early signs and symptoms of potential suicide ideation. Parents and caregivers will also learn different ways to intervene …

2023–25 Community and Citywide Education Council Elections Applications Now Open

Dear Parent Leaders, Parent Coordinators and Family Leadership and Family Support Coordinators,  The Community and Citywide Education Council (CCEC) Elections applications for the 2023–25 term are now open. If parents in your communities are interested in running for a seat on a council, please encourage them to apply by February 13 using their NYC Schools Account (NYCSA). We are also available …